Electrical | Electronic Nickels – Stocked at Ed Fagan

Nickel is one of three elements, beside iron and cobalt, that exhibit magnetic properties at ambient temperatures. Characteristically all nickel grades are strong, ductile, and corrosion-resistant over a wide temperature range. Nickel has one of the largest magnetostrictive effects available in commercial materials. These versatile characteristics are just a sampling of the properties that make the commercially pure wrought grades of nickel a popular stock item.


Electrical | Electronic Nickels  200, 201 & 233

Nickel 200 (UNS N02200) is commercially pure (99.0%) wrought nickel. The composition and properties of our bar/rod materials conform to ASTM B160, while our sheet, strip, and coil conform to ASTM B162. Nickel 200 exhibits good corrosion resistance along with low electrical resistivity.


Nickel 201 (UNS N02201) is the low-carbon modification of Nickel 200. It has a low annealed hardness along with a low work-hardening rate.


Nickel 233 (UNS N02222) is also a commercially pure wrought nickel that exhibits excellent corrosion resistance. It contains lower residual elements of FE, Mn, Si, S, and Ti.


Electrical | Electronic Nickels 205 & 270

The chemistry of Nickel 205 (UNS N02205) results in a high magnetostrictive coefficient and Curie temperature. Nickel 205 applications include grid side rods, base pins, nodes, getter tabs, and cathode shields.


Nickel 270 (UNS N02270), is a high-purity 99.97% nickel with a 0.001% maximum limit on cobalt, magnesium, chromium, titanium, sulfur, silicon, manganese, and copper. Additional trace elements limits are 0.005% iron and 0.02% carbon. This high-purity material is produced by press and sintering to provide a lower coefficient of expansion, electrical resistivity, Curie temperature, and greater ductility than other grades of nickel we supply. We stock Nickel 270 in round bar, and it is rapidly available from our sources in heavy forged section or in sheet, strip, and coil.


Contact the material experts at Ed Fagan at 800-348-6268 and let us help you with the Materials You Need, When You Need Them.